Monday, May 21, 2007

International Museum Day 2007

Got to know of this from Posting it here in case you've always wanted to visit our local museums, but somehow never found the time....

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International Museum Day 2007

via by Veron on May 18, 2007

the international museum day starts today! for 10 days ('til may 27), there will be more than 80 activities and events spread over 24 museums in singapore!

International Museum Day 2007

Event: International Museum Day 2007
Date: May 18-27, 2007 (10 days)
Venue: 24 museums in Singapore

More information

personally, i love museums and art galleries. i visited 4 of them (civil defence heritage gallery, singapore philatelic museum, singapore art museum, museum of shanghai toys) during the international museum day last year. boy, that was one eye-opening experience!

i mean, you would think that singapore, being such a small country and a relatively young nation, there wouldn't be anything particularly interesting or new that you haven't known of. but after visiting the four museums last year, i learned so much! read more about my enriching experience!

currently, i am also a friend of, a local website set up by enthusiasts who blog about singapore heritage and culture. i have contributed a few posts over there, and i think that the website would be a good read for people that are interested in local museums!

since i started working, i haven't had time to visit as many museums or galleries as i'd like. other than gushing at the adorable kitty paintings in catmasutra, watching the remarkable kurt wenner draw live at the national museum, and more recently, exploring the little known HDB gallery at my current workplace, i simply stopped visiting museums altogether!

the international museum day would be a good time to start visiting again. read walter's post for more on what you can see, hear, taste, feel or do during the next 10 days! i'm going to make it a point to check out a few museums and galleries. if anyone's keen to join me, drop me a note! i promise to be nice.

external links

Official website: IMD 2007
Cooler Insights: Museums Are Alive!

also in this series

May 23, 2006: International Museum Day 2006May 23, 2006: International Museum Day 2006

Things you can do from here:

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