Monday, May 28, 2007

Watch and Pray - May 28

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Watch and Pray - May 28

via Grace for the Moment: Volume 2 by on May 28, 2007

Grace for the Moment: Volume 2 by Max Lucado

May 28

"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation."
Mark 14:38 NIV

"Watch." They don't come any more practical than that. Watch. Stay alert. Keep your eyes open. When you see sin coming, duck. When you anticipate an awkward encounter, turn around. When you sense temptation, go the other way.

All Jesus is saying is, "Pay attention." You know your weaknesses. You also know the situations in which your weaknesses are most vulnerable. Stay out of those situations. Back seats. Late hours. Movie theaters. Whatever it is that gives Satan a foothold in your life, stay away from it. Watch out!

"Pray." Prayer isn't telling God anything new. There is not a sinner nor a saint who would surprise him. What prayer does is invite God to walk the shadowy pathways of life with us. Prayer is asking God to watch ahead for falling trees and tumbling boulders and to bring up the rear, guarding our backside from the poison darts of the devil.


No Wonder They Call Him the Savior

-=- by Max Lucado -=-

Things you can do from here:

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