Wednesday, May 9, 2007

What you focus on, you will expand!

What You Focus On, You Will Expand!
by Patricia King

1. We often feel inferior and have no confidence in our abilities or ourselves. Somehow, we have forgotten we are the temple of the Holy Spirit and we are made perfect in Christ. Why do we choose to look at ourselves with the eyes of the enemy instead of seeing what God sees in us? God thinks we are perfect – why don’t we believe God? Look into your heart and rejoice! You are made perfect and that’s exactly the way God created you.

“You dear children are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you, is greater than the one who is in the world” 1John 4:4

2. Focusing on disease and fear instead of health and well-being. We speak about it, we think about it but we fail to see that none of those things came from God. What you focus on, you will empower! By allowing the enemy to convince us we are not good enough, we are not able to see others and ourselves with God’s eyes. Talking about a sickness and a disease will empower that very thing. We need to focus on the good and the healthy in our lives and in our bodies. Every time you feel like saying – my arms don’t work the way they used to, try saying, Thank God my legs still work amazingly. Praise God for the good in your life.

“I can do everything through him who gives me strength”. Philippians 4:13

3. We need to be aware of the confessions we make. Use caution in what we speak out. Words have power and we can give life to lies and the enemy. When we hear the enemy and we speak it out, we can empower the enemy and the very thing that we don’t want to happen. For example, we say, “We are not smart enough, not educated enough, not good looking enough”. We put power into these words. If you say you can never get that job, that house and speak it out, you have just put a curse on yourself. Even if you don’t believe it, say it. Keep repeating the positive until you believe it. The truth is a powerful weapon. Don’t let anyone take it away from you!

4. God looks at the heart so why don’t we? We need to focus on the positive in people and look at their heart; anything else is not from God. There will be days you won’t be able to look into the mirror and smile. There will be days you won’t be able to look at your husband/wife and smile. Those are the days you can change your life. It is vital that we concentrate on the positive! By looking at the good qualities in a person, we can change our outlook. Instead of saying, “My husband never brings me flowers”. Try saying, “My husband always makes me smile”. The rest will follow. The atmosphere in your home will change and the people around you will notice that you are carrying God’s love.

5. Fact vs. Truth - We have the facts/circumstances and we have the truth/God's Word, and we get to choose which to believe. That which you focus on you empower, and God's Word has much more life and truth than any fact. Choose Love!

6. Truth is powerful: We are in a season of change and LOVE and TRUTH are our most powerful weapons. I just started reading a book recently by Rick Joyner called The Final Quest and in the first chapter, he is talking about a dream. In this dream he and others are climbing a mountain and the higher they go the more tiny and slippery the ledges get. He is in a battle with the enemy, he has a sword and arrows, and at one point instead of using his sword to fight, he dug it into the ground as an anchor and tied himself to it. I could go on and on with all the significance in the dream, but the main thing is that he made a decision to anchor himself to the Word of God/truth and in doing that, had greater stability and accuracy in hitting the enemy with his arrows. Let's allow truth to be our anchor and tied to that nothing can shake us.

praise Jesus

hope this short devotional speaks truth to you. like what Pastor Prince said before, Proverbs 18:21 doesn't just say the power of life and death is in the tongue, but goes on to say that he who loves it will EAT THE FRUIT THEREOF.

it's my heart's desire that everyone eats GOOD and RIPE and HEALTHFUL fruit =) amen!

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