Tuesday, April 24, 2007


today we did a neuro-linguistic programming exercise in class - NLP for short. it's what helped people like anthony robbins and adam khoo become famous. see if you can do this along with me.

we were asked to close our eyes, concentrate and visualise for 5 minutes these 3 statements:

1. how much money do you need in your bank before you consider yourself a success?
2. what are the key changes in your lifestyle when you a success?
3. who will be the people beside you when you are a success?

after that, we had to continue visualising...

- exactly how you'd feel when you had that amount of money in the bank
- precisely what are the things you'd be doing when you're successful, maybe playing golf, going sailing on your private yacht, etc
- what people would be saying about you when you're successful, and specifically, what are the good things that they would say about you that you never thought they would say
- the thoughts and feelings you experienced when you look back on your journey of how you became successful

why don't we all do that now? =)

the end result is, you're supposed to feel a burst of energy as positive feelings flood through your system.

this is roughly the same feeling i get when i walk out of a particularly anointed sermon. i feel like i can conquer the world, cast out demons, run into hospitals and clear them out...u know what i mean, i'm sure you've felt like that too! i'm not knocking NLP... i think it's great. the world can rely on NLP, no problem at all. it's produced quite a measure of success in many people, and that's fantastic!

BUT. we have something better.

We have the Holy Spirit!

He will never let us forget that all these successes in life are from the Lord. He will always point us back to the finished work of Christ. He will always walk with us when we're down, inspire us when we're feeling faint-hearted, reassure us of our victory!

Deu 8:18 But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

how wonderful is our Father? there's this verse in the bible that always touches me when i read it...

II Samuel 22:36, “You give me your shield of victory; you stoop down to make me great.”
(also, Psalm 18:35)

He STOOPED down to BRING me UP! God stooping...for me! the thought boggles the mind.

anyway... God is a covenant-keeping God. in this day and age where people find it so easy to break their commitments (i've been so guilty of this myself), God still honours and upholds HIS covenants...

ok hallelujah now He has to uphold His covenant for my healing cos i'm about to rush to the toilet to LS................................


Daniel Tan said...

kinectic rush of engery,,,

words running all over the place,,,,


Preach ON

Beloved Chloe said...

Praise the Lord!