Friday, May 25, 2007

3 Types of Christians

My beloved family, just want to share with you what the Lord spoke to me about the types of Christians that lived on planet earth (which we know is coming to an end with all the weird weather happening around the world).

Type 1: Christians that call those things that do exist as though they did.

Type 2: Christians that call those things that do exist as though they did not.

Type 3: Christians that call those things that do not exist as though they did. (Romans 4:17)

Let me give you an example to better illustrate what i meant.

Eg: Mr P who is unemployed and is trusting the Lord Jesus for a job.

Type 1 response when someone asked Mr P about his job. "Well, i have been praying to the Lord Jesus and trusting that He is opening up doors for me. But, I am still unemployed and there is no one calling me up for an interview!" Beloved, is there any different between Mr P and an unbeliever? No! Mr P is stating what He sees in the natural. Can you find the faith in the Lord Jesus being applied here?

Type 2 response when someone asked Mr P about his job. "Well, i have been praying to the Lord Jesus and trusting that He is opening up doors for me. I am not unemployed! Who said i am unemployed? I am not unemployed, I am just waiting to be employed." Mr P is speaking denial about his situation. Christianity is not about self-denial, its about speaking the truth in the Word of God.

Type 3 response (The God's Way of Response) "Brother, i believe that i have received my job in the name of Jesus. Even though i am unemployed now, but i know that Jesus has already found a job because i believe that the prayer of the righteous avails (profits) much. My prayers gets answered all the time by Jesus. I am just waiting for the manifestation of the prayer."

Let's dig deeper into Type 3. In Romans 4:17, the Apostle Paul talks about God who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did. Reading the verse in its context, we can see that Paul is talking about Abraham whom God did a name change from Abram to Abraham "Father of many nations" (kindly look to the reference of Genesis 17:5 in Romans 4:17) Abraham being 99 years old was incapable in the natural to help in the "creation process" with Sarah. But God, in whom all things are possible, promised Abraham that He will be a Father of Many nations and helped Abraham along by changing his name from Abram to Abraham. Therefore whenever Sarah calls Abraham "Father of Many Nations" it reminds him of God's Word which is the truth and not what he sees in the natural. As the revelation of God's Word sunk deep into Spirit man, a few years later, Issac was born.

How does it apply to us, believers? Start researching diligently in the Word of God for all the Promises In Christ Jesus and start believing and confessing the Truth (God's Word) in every area of need in your life. Stop denying what is in the natural, Stop speaking what you can see in the natural, It WON'T CHANGE a thing in your life. Do you know why God calls those things which do not exist as though they did? Remember, it is the SPIRITUAL REALM (things that do not exist in this world) that changed the natural realm. Before God said "Light Be and Light Was" in Genesis 1:3, the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Its the Spoken Word of God together with the Spirit of God that brings forth things in the natural.

I hope this posting will stir up your Spirit Man and bless you richly.


FernyFriends said...

hi bro,
thanks for this sharing. You sound like some online daily bread man! And yes, it reminds me of what pastor shared today about meditating and chewing the curd. Speaking forth things in the word and not words of doubts and unbelief.

By the way i can't help but wonder if the Mr. P is in reference to someone we know? =P

Kevin said...


Mr P. is probably a Peter or Phelps or Pho.


Kevin said...

You know, even in failure, success can be had the moment you learn from the failure. Don't be afraid to fall, your problem isn't going to be any bigger than God's grace to handle. ;)