Friday, May 11, 2007

Why Manchester United is a Godly team :D

As promised...

Man U logo

I realize there're actually 4 Man U fans amongst us Godly people! Yiippeeeeee!!! *kallang wave: Kev-Bernard-Jason-MerV*

(so the score stands at:
Man U 4 non-football fans 0 )

If we include Fern, that's 5 of us *grin*

OK, just a short quip. For MANY years in our church, we have Pastors, Dn Jack etc (he's a Liverfool, I mean, Liverpool fan *yeughks* :รพ) all sliming our beloved Man U, saying we're called the "Red Devils", why should we root for a team named after the devil yada yada yada... (at least we take comfort in the fact that Dn Azhar - a church leader leh! - is on our winning side *grin*

Well, one day, it just came to me lor! Why we declare the term "Red Devils" on Man U? Coz the devil had been defeated BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB LIAO MAH!!! Why you think we have VICTORY AFTER VICTORY??!?! COME BROS, LET'S CELEBRATE THAT WE'RE ON THE WINNING SIDE, AMEN!!!

*big fat wide grin*

Oh, quiz time!
Q: What colour is Jesus' blood? Issit:

  1. Red?
  2. White?

*heh heh heh* ... OK, better stop my rambling for now, CHEERS!

"U da Man!"

For you (us) football fans: a tribute to our winning team who exemplifies courage in the face of adversity:

Which football team (Man U or otherwise) would you say characterizes our Lord Jesus most closely? And why?


FernyFriends said...

Hey what about Liverpool? Cos their tagline is "you will never walk alone". Sounds like what Jesus told us, parapharse.

Hmm... wondering how i know so much? Cos merv's telling me abt it.

And yes, i'm swayed to the reds side.

MerV s.a.k.a. mervcustom said...

*heh heh*


Kev: I presume we'll have Ferny for our FA Cup Final gathering? :)

(Oh, for the rest, FA Cup final on 19th May, Sat evening, Man U vs. Chelsea. We're planning a get-together to watch, details will be out soon. Do join in if you can, it'll be the last match of the season before a 3-month break from football? *ARGH THE WITHDRAWAL HAS STARTED!*

FernyFriends said...

ohhhh great... our s*x schedule can resume already =) ... =P

Niq said...


Kevin said...

hmmm... niq, now breathe.... :P

MerV s.a.k.a. mervcustom said...

Niq: too much football? :P
