Saturday, December 1, 2007

Christmas Every Day

I was struck by this devotional. That He is my best gift, an eternal gift, and an unending gift is something I often don't remember to be thankful for.

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Grace for the Moment: Volume 2 by Max Lucado

"Sing praises to the LORD...Tell the nations what he has done."
Psalm 9:11

You have Christmas every day. Your gift bears, not toys and books, but God himself! His work: on the cross and in the resurrection. As a result, your sin brings no guilt, and the grave brings no fear.

His energy: it's not up to you. You can do all things through Christ, who gives you strength.

His lordship: he is in charge of you and looks out for you.

His love: what can separate you from it?

Who could imagine such gifts? Who could imagine not opening them?


Come Thirsty

-=- by Max Lucado -=-

Things you can do from here: